Northcore on remixd

Northcore surf accesories

Our Reason

We have always believed that we spend all our time on this planet but hardly any engaging with it. It’s out of this belief that Northcore was born. To enable surfers and adventurers of all levels to have the maximum amount of exposure to the wildest waters and lands on this amazing planet. Because if you don’t have a where, you don’t have a why.

Northcore grew out of a small company founded on a single understated revolutionary product. Our connection to the cold and natural surroundings of the British North Sea shaped our brand and it’s philosophy. Innovation and products built out of necessity and made to survive whatever we threw at them were our foundations.

We know that our business activity along with most others creates pollution as a by-product. So we work where possible to reduce our impact. We encourage recycling, make products designed for longevity, we're eliminating plastic packaging wherever possible and we invest in tree planting schemes to help offset our carbon emissions.

We have stayed true to our central values designing and creating premium products. Being inspired by working with the best and by engaging with progressive film making, music, art and photography has helped us see over 10 years in business creating a company we’re proud to work for.

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