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Used the gloves yesterday. Unbelievable how warm I was. These with the Vissla 5/4 was the warmest I’ve ever been in winter!
Vissla 7 Seas 5mm Claw wetsuit glove
Jonathan Boulding
Really nice
Love this cap, looks great and nice comfy fit.
Vissla Solid Sets Eco Trucker Hat- grey heather
Jonathan Boulding
Really love this suit. It’s very well made and incredibly warm for a 3/2. Very well sealed, great flexibility and easy to get in and out of. I now wish I’d spent the extra going for high seas on my 5/4 rather than the seven seas. It’s definitely worth the money.
VIssla High Seas II 3-2 full chest zip - charcoal
Margaret Olbrisch
Good looking skates at an amazing price
Before you decide to buy your roller skates, have a look at this site first. Great prices.